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For over 15 years, The Mesothelioma Center has been providing free resources for sufferers of mesothelioma and their loved ones. What is unique about this organization is their ability to tailor their services according to the needs of the each veteran that they serve. Because of their outstanding capabilities and committment to serving veterans, they are accredited by the US Department of Veteran Services and have working relationships with several organizations focused on advancing cancer treatment and survivorship.

Mesothelioma Lawyer Center

The Mesothelioma Lawyer Center helps veterans and their families connect with leading mesothelioma lawyers. There are many law firms that handle mesothelioma and asbestos cases. Choosing the right law firm can be overwhelming, but the Mesothelioma Lawyer Center clears through the confusion and helps you connect with only the top lawyers nearest to you.

Attorney John Simmons started Simmons Hanly Conroy in 1999 to specifically help individuals and families deal with the pain and burden of an asbestos-related diagnosis. Recognized by the John Marshall Law School's Veterans Legal Support Center & Clinic for their pro bono work with veterans, Simmons Hanly Conroy has a reputation and proven track record for putting veteran's first.

Sokolove Law has been fighting for  people's  rights by ensuring that they receive the justice and compensation that they deserve for over 40 years. More importantly, they specialize in providing support to veterans dealing with medical issues related to Mesothelioma and asbestos. Sokolove Law's team of dedicated experts will even help veterans navigate the VA system when applying for compensation for these related conditions, with case managers available 24/7.

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